Aus einer Capcom PR-Mitteilung:
To celebrate the launch of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles on the Nintendo Wii Capcom is calling all zombies to head to central London on 31st October.
We’re offering a free Nintendo Wii and a copy of the latest instalment in the Resident Evil series to the best dressed zombie. Two more zombies will win a copy of the game for the best zombie stagger and the best zombie moan.
The zombie Walk is taking place from 12 noon on Saturday 31st October outside Tate Modern. Zombies should horde from noon and then prepare to go on the ‚rampage‘ across the Millennium Bridge.
Your zombie contacts will meet you at Tate Modern from noon. Please don’t eat them.
Members of the press will be invited to take photos, so shy zombies need not re-animate.
Free zombie make-up will also be applied by an expert to the first 20 Zombies who stagger over. Please arrive at 11am if you want make-up done.
Zombies can also get their photographs with two glamorous zombies who will be putting in an appearance.
(Quelle: Pr-Mitteilung von Capcom, vom 21.10.2009)
Geil wäre doch eine Gegenbewegung zu initiieren bei der ganz viele Chris Redfields den Zombies den Garaus machen!
Auf geht’s nach London! Muahahah!